The staff led the Grand Entrance to the Panmure Island Pow Wow, announced as the Eagle Head Staff of the Wabanaki Two Spirit Alliance.
2013 Panmure Island Pow Wow
Panmure Island, PEI
2013: 9/11 Memorial Site, New York City
After leading at the 25th International Two-Spirit Gathering, hosted by the North East Two-Spirit Society. Camp de Wolf, Long Island NY, September 2013.
2014: Gold River Mawiomi
The Staff led the grand entrance to the 2014 Gold River Mawiomi. Video here.
2017: Halifax Pride
The staff led the Halifax Pride Parade.
2018 W2SA Gathering, Maine
At Nibezun, Passadumkeag, Maine
2020: Elderberries Secret Flash March
In K'jipuktuk / Halifax, NS